1147 Square Feet
2 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms
Quartz Counters
Large Kitchen
Full Appliance Package
Window coverings
Screened windows
Tiled bathrooms
Tiled walk in shower (ensuite)
Tub Shower (main)
Heated single car garage
Extra LCP small car parking space
Eligible Unit for BC Housing Mortgage Assistance!
Unit 1 - 243 Corfield Steet
Parksville, BC

BC Housing - Affordable Home Ownership Program
Home Buyer Eligibility
All individuals who will have an interest in the home registered on title must meet all of the following eligibility requirements:
Canadian citizen or permanent resident
Resided in British Columbia for the past 12 months
Not own an interest in real property anywhere in the world and currently live in rental housing or another non-ownership tenure (i.e. living with family).
Combine gross household income of all individuals on title must not exceed the applicable Middle-Income Limit, defined as follows:
Units with less than two bedrooms: Middle-income households are those whose gross household income does not exceed the 75th income percentile for families without children, as determined by BC Housing (currently $118,440)
Units with two or more bedrooms: middle-income households are those whose gross household income does not exceed the 75th income percentile for families with children, as determined by BC Housing (currently $168,310)
Please download the program framework for full details.